Reimagining Caregiving Through Labor Management Partnerships
September 25, 2024 02:00 PM 03:00 PM
Since the early 2000’s SEIU 775 Benefits Group (BG), a labor-management partnership in Washington state, has progressively transformed the caregiving industry from a largely overlooked and undervalued job into a career path with consistent wage growth and strong professional benefits. Today, BG serves a workforce of more than 50,000 caregivers, made up largely of women, people of color and immigrants with access to high-quality training, health, retirement and job-matching benefits. This panel will uplift the unique perspectives of labor, management and workers by showcasing how this highly successful labor-management partnership has enacted worker-centered holistic systems change at scale through innovation, collaboration and policy. It will highlight specific benefits won and strengthened over time, our commitment to centering workers’ voices in benefit design and delivery and our vision to continue shaping the future of the caregiving profession into an attractive career with great benefits.