State of Our Workforce: Career Journeys Redefined
September 26, 2024 01:45 PM 02:45 PM
As part of the National Fund’s comprehensive research project that delved deep into the career navigation landscape, we traveled the country to meet workers in cities from Boston to Wichita to San Francisco, up north in Chicago and Milwaukee, and down south in Birmingham. The diverse and inspiring stories we uncovered shed light on the complexities of career navigation in today’s world.
Our research underscored the perspective of career navigation as a lifelong process that happens both inside and outside the traditional workforce development system. It goes beyond conventional career pathways, encompassing a broader, more inclusive vision of the career navigation experience.
Join us for a special live edition of the National Fund’s flagship podcast State of Our Workforce for the final plenary at SHIFT Toward an Equitable Future. Michelle Wilson, and a special guest host Juvilee Hernandez, will speak with workers and their mentors to learn more about how we can reshape the career navigation landscape. We’ll discuss strategies and best practices for supporting lifelong career navigation, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and adaptability in the modern workforce. Join us as we continue to challenge assumptions, rethink narratives, and advocate for systemic change to combat occupational segregation and enhance job quality.