Your generous contribution will enable the National Fund to convene hundreds of leaders across the country to take bold action and have courageous conversations that SHIFT mindsets, narratives, and priorities around an equitable workforce. Your sponsorship of the National Fund’s signature event directly supports our vision of an equitable future where all workers have the resources required to thrive, race does not dictate employment outcomes, and all jobs are good jobs.
SHIFT sponsorship presents opportunities to amplify your organization’s visibility, activate your influence, and accelerate your learning and partnership with a diverse audience all working towards solving the country’s biggest challenges and inequities in workforce development. Your partnership and engagement in the conference is valuable. We hope you can join us as a key supporter to this important mission.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Thank You to Our Supporter
Exhibitor Information
We have decided to offer a virtual exhibitor opportunity in place of an in-person exhibitor hall.
The virtual opportunity includes promoting your organization name, description of your service, product, or organization, and a link to your website on our conference app. We will also share push notifications with a brief message about your organization to our attendees.
The investment for the virtual exhibitor opportunity is $1,000. Registration costs for conference attendance are not included in this rate.
If you are interested in this virtual exhibitor option, please fill out the brief form below by June 14, 2024. We will be in touch afterwards to confirm next steps.
Have Questions? Contact Natalie Applegate: napplegate@nationalfund.org.